Renginiu istorija 2024

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  2. Renginiu istorija 2024

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Tech vision by Accenture: Gen AI – What to expect and real-life use cases

For 24 years, Accenture’s Technology Vision has taken a systematic look across the enterprise landscape to identify technology trends with the highest likelihood of disrupting businesses and industries. Input for the 2024 report, was gathered from an external advisory board of more than two dozen experts spanning academia, business and the public sector. Primary global [...]


The Portfolio Management trainings

THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT. Follow us for more news about upcoming events.  This event is organised and tickets are distributed by our partners at ProjectPro Interested in project portfolio management best practices? Project Portfolio management becomes more and more important in global competing market and companies management expects to deliver efficiently strategic company goals [...]


PM2PM BREAKFAST: Emotional Intelligence in Project Management

Corner Hotel T. Ševčenkos g. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania

Join us for the PM2PM Breakfast event organized by the PMI Lithuania Chapter. This event offers an opportunity to connect with fellow project management professionals and explore key topics that drive success in our field. Topic: Emotional Intelligence in Project Management Ever wondered why some projects run effortlessly, while others feel like a constant battle? Or [...]

The Portfolio Management trainings

This event is organised and tickets are distributed by our partners at ProjectPro Interested in project portfolio management best practices? Project Portfolio management becomes more and more important in global competing market and companies management expects to deliver efficiently strategic company goals and gain maximized benefits using effective portfolio management. These trainings are organised the [...]


PM2PM Breakfast: Personal brand for project managers

Corner Hotel T. Ševčenkos g. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania

Your personal brand is your unique signature as a project manager. Join us this November for our PM2PM Breakfast on Personal Brand for Project Managers. During this session you will learn: - how to present yourself in a digital world, - communicate effectively, and - create a lasting impact that sets you apart in the [...]

PM2PM pusryčiai: Diskusija „Niekas taip gerai, kaip aš, nepadarys“ – klaida, kainuojanti milijonus

Corner Hotel T. Ševčenkos g. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania

Penktadienio rytą kviečiame jus į jau tradicija tapusius projektų vadovų pusryčius – akimirkai atitrūkti nuo kasdienių darbų, pasidalinti savo patirtimi ir įžvalgomis kartu su kitais profesionalais. Šį kartą po pusryčių jūsų laukia pranešimas - diskusija „Niekas taip gerai, kaip aš, nepadarys“ – klaida, kainuojanti milijonus. Ar kartais atrodo, kad niekas negali atlikti užduoties taip gerai, [...]