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Be the change leader who can inspire, ideate and innovate.

The last few years have been unprecedented where every organisation and company had to adapt quickly and fast to survive and thrive. The employee engagement has been a cause of concern for many organisations. Globally the employee engagement stands at only 20%.(Source gallup) What about the rest 80%, how can their engagement with the company goals, visions and way of working be enhanced? More importantly, why are they disengaged?

One of the major root cause to this disengagement is Resistance to Change in the team. Resistance to change further leads to delays, cost, attrition and and ultimately effects the Culture of the organisation.
The lockdown period of 2020-21 have had further negative consequences on the engagement due to budget cuts, lack to transparent communication and team bonding. Annually losing 34% due to disengagement is quite a high number.

How does it impact?

How to identify a red flag?

Method in Madness

In 2021, Sabyasachi started a podcast channel called Method in Madness, where he interviews leaders, entrepreneurs, actors, athletics and creative people on how they overcome resistance and change. Using the best practises from sports and entertainment industry, we bring tailor made proposal for each team and organisation to help them in their path of innovation and change.

To understand the problem and the necessary solution, Saby has also spoken to over 25 leaders from C-suite, to Directors to Senior managers from various sectors and industries to further enrich and create a bespoke program.

During the workshop, you will :

  • learn how to be driver of change and inspire the team. As project managers how can solve resistance to change and have a culture of growth.
  • Solve real cases when projects have been delayed and stopped because of culture and behaviour. Co-create a Transformation framework that enables co-operation and ideation
  • After the session, you will be able to guide your team through resistance to change, create Trust with the team members, improve communication with the stake holders.

About Sabyasachi

Saby, an author, speaker, and Business developer, boasts over 15 years of experience in the banking sector. With a remarkable 13-year banking career, Saby has excelled in diverse roles as a Business Developer, Analyst, Controller, and Project Manager. They have led successful initiatives related to regulatory requirements, change and migration, risk and operation, and efficiency improvements. A true advocate for public speaking, Saby has clinched 5 Netherlands championships and earned the title of European Champion in public speaking at Toastmasters. Notably, they delivered a compelling Tedx talk on the Art of Networking in 2017. Amidst a global pandemic in 2020, Saby published their first book, „What’s your Plan B,” and continues to inspire audiences worldwide through keynote talks on change management, storytelling, leadership, and career transition across 12 countries (both in-person and virtual).