Balandžio 17 d., Mykolo Romerio universitetas
Esame laimingi, turėdami galimybę susitikti su tarptautinių konferencijų pranešėju Jack Duggal Lietuvoje, kuris analizuos ypač aktualius klausimus kiekvienam projektų vadovui tema: „Next Generation Project Management: How to Thrive in a DANCE-World? “
Pranešimo aprašymas:
Are you ready to DANCE? Are you geared to deal with the reality of today’s DANCE [Dynamic | Ambiguous | Nonlinear | Complex | Emergent] business and project environment? Are we perceived as the blockers, or enablers of agility and innovation? Find out how to remain relevant in today’s turbulent world. Learn to provide value and impact, and create viral customers and happy stakeholders. This engaging talk will shift your perspective and provide new insights to take your Project Management & PMO capabilities to the next level.
Apie pranešėją:
Jack Duggal is a sought after international keynote speaker, top-rated facilitator and transformational leader. His passion is to provide new perspectives in how to manage and deal with the DANCE (Dynamic | Ambiguous | Non-Linear | Complex | Emergent) nature of business and organizations in today’s disruptive world, and inspire people and organizations to realize their potential and make a difference, through transformational strategy execution. Jack is an internationally recognized expert in Strategy- Execution and PMO with over 25 years of experience. He is the author of a new ground-breaking book, “Then DNA of Strategy-Execution: Next Generation Project/Program Management & PMO.” He is a top-rated PMI Seminar Leader for over fifteen years. His next generation ideas and the DNA of Strategy Execution framework have been adopted and implemented in many companies around the world. Jack is the founder and managing principal of Projectize Group LLC, a training and consulting firm. He works with leading organizations from NASA to Silicon Valley companies in the United States, and Governments around the world.